Support us!
We are currently seeking sponsors and partners to help fund scholarships for students and young professionals. If your company or organization is interested, please:
Become a supporter of Club Alpbach Belgium Brussels and help us foster the interdisciplinary, intergenerational dialogue that Europe needs. Your donation will directly contribute to scholarships for young changemakers and inspiring events with thought leaders in Brussels.
With your support, we can continue to bring the Alpbach spirit to the EU capital, connecting bright minds and driving forward ideas for a stronger, more democratic Europe.
Transfer directly to:
Club Alpbach Belgium Brussels
Triodos Bank
IBAN: BE29 5230 8113 9464
Thank you!
A big thank you to our sponsors! Thanks to your support, we are able to send students and young professionals to the European Forum Alpbach, to address the most relevant questions of our times!
Österreichische NotariatsKammer
We are honoured by the continued support that the Österreichische Notariatskammer (ÖNK) - in partnerhsip with the Notartreuhandbank AG - has shown to the Club over the past years. Thanks to this long lasting partnership, we are now able to keep sending young people to Europe’s biggest festival of ideas every year!
Raiffeisen Bank International
After a very successful event with the Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) on the topic of the “Banking Union” figuring Mr Paul Pasquali in November 2018, the Club Alpbach Belgium Brussels is very glad to extend its partnership with RBI by introducing the company as new sponsor!
A Word from our Honorary President Christian Macek
Founder of Alpbach Team Europe
It is a great pleasure to see the continuation of Club Alpbach Brussels which I co-founded as “IG Brussels/Alpbach Team Europe” in the year 2000. Even more after we have sent already more than 100 grantholders from 25 different countries to the European Forum Alpbach over the last years. I’m looking forward to the refreshed spirit of Alpbach in the European Capital where Belgians and people from all Europe meet. This is definitely to be supported!”
want to become a partner?
Become sponsor or cooperation partner of the Club Alpbach Belgium Brussels.
Please contact us at admin@alpbach.be for more details.